Rocksoc minutes: Monday 21 March 2005

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2005-2006

These minutes taken by: Fiona

Minutes of committee meeting, 21/03/05

Meeting opened: 8:40pm

Present: Baz, Keith, Elise, Oli, Kit, Simon, Helen

1. Minutes from last week to be approved.
Action: Elise will do them.

2. Treasurers report

Same. Passed on to Helen.

Change of address for bank statements
Action: Helen(?) Go to bank- new mandate. Need ID, signatories. Go to Proctors with list of current committee + colleges

3. Rocksoc Committee Website page.
Needs to be updated. - Djs for WUS, new committee etc.
Action: Email John

Website handover to Thomas and Simon
Action: Hassle Oli

4.Events & Term Cards Termcards needed - list of events for next term.
Action: Emily and I need to go to Staplers for templates and give dates.

May Week

Mark's proposed Nottingham rocksoc trip. Rocksoc to pay for minibus. Publicise WUS etc while there. 15 places. Mark will drive. Rocksoc members only(?)
Action: Take membership form thing along, take flyers.

Regarding gigs, support for Conquest for Steel - Dryad (yay) at MoTM

£24720(?) in events box

5. WUS

£440 in WUS
Action: Will be paid in tomorrow

Publicity - URGENT!
Action: Flyer and poster - Grafton area, KSR, MoTM, Clowns etc

Publicity in college
Action: Helen will design posters and flyers/ Richard emai template of posters, whichever quicker. Access to metered photocopier via Elise. Richard's arse to be kicked. Photocopy flyers and posters for WUS (tomorrow) if possible. Email everybody to list events + WUS.

6. Gigs

18th June gig. French society wishes to co-run a gig - punk band from Paris ~ £150

Regarding gigs, support for Conquest for Steel - Dryad (yay) at MoTM
£24720(?) in events box

7. Irrelevant Interuptions

Oliver to Baz: "F*ck right off you f*cking c*nt."
Action: Someone scrub Oliver's mouth out.

Meeting closed at 9:00pm.