Rocksoc minutes: Monday 1 May 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2006-2007

These minutes taken by: Gemma J

RockSoc Minutes 01-05-06

Meeting started: 21:10

Members present: Simon, Nick, Nick J, Gemma

First bank statement received! Nick to hang on to them.
Opening balance: £452.16
31st March: In: £240.05 (Keith)
19th April: Out: £60.00 (John Sullivan for AGM food)
Closing balance: £632.21

DJs sorted.
Action: Nick to e-mail Simon the DJ list, Simon to print it.

Forms all sorted, signatories to finish signing at the bank. Mandate HSBC to accept instructions.
Action: Everyone meet at HSBC in Market Square at 2p.m. on Thursday. Bring bank statements and photo I.D.!

Membership Cards
Ben Herriman reported a lost card at the last WUS. However no trace of him can be found in either member database or in the collection of addresses on paper.
Action: Gemma to check though receipt books for his name. Also, check with Fiona for any cards pending.

Action: Simon to sort out a log-in for Nick J!

Demo arrived, gave to Nick to check for WUS suitability.

Meeting closed: 21:25