Rocksoc minutes: Monday 16 October 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2006-2007

These minutes taken by: Gemma J

RockSoc Minutes 16/10/06

Meeting opened 20:54

Present: Simon, Nick B, Gemma

1. Minutes of previous meeting approved.

2. Nick Jackson sends his apologies.

3. Oliver Wade motion: Please be more transparent about minutes and action proposed, i.e. record decisions made and make them public.
Opinions of people present: Minutes should be made available to back up decisions and keep a record of what was done when.
(Action: Gemma to type up minutes on a MUCH more regular basis)

4. Pricing. Currently all advertising is showing the lower price so shifting up 50p is going to be difficult this term.

Note: Prices have not been raised since we were at the Q club and also getting a share of the bar profits so if anything WUS is making a lot less money than it used to.

Profit comparison:

* Over Summer: £20 - £30 extra profit
* Last WUS: £70 extra profit (but during freshers week and very popular)

Need to compare with tomorrow's figures to get a more accurate estimate.

Reasons for price increase: More gigs and events would be possible. Idea been put forward of joint gigs with Goth Soc and extra money would make that more possible.

5. This was fantastic! Huge amounts of Kudos go to Mark and Doree for making it such a success.

6. Bands are now booked (Mael Mordha headlining!).

7. Publicity sorely needed, but can't confuse with a WUS publicity drive.

Christmas Quiz
8. Pick a term date. (Action: Gemma to e-mail full term dates to committee)

9. Pick a venue, probably the Rose & Crown, and get a quote.

10. ROUNDS. So far Rich W and Simon are writing rounds, Simon will possibly do the backwards intros. Whatever happens, the quiz questions need to be MUCH MUCH EASIER than last year as loads had to be skipped due to impossibility.

11. Bug about joint events not being listed as official is now fixed. Thanks Oli W for spotting it.

12. Lots of things about databases...?

13. Still no accounts back from Rich W.

14. Gained on WUS about what we lost on the gig so broke even.

15. Need to spend about £50 on webhosting. (This was agreed on).

16. Nick B will have trouble sending updates over Christmas as on night shift. May need to get statements forwarded to someone else. Address needs to be sorted out for this also, but not until next committee.

17. E-mail Nick J to check that there is a membership book in the WUS box.

18. Check off membership receipts with final date processed.

Meeting shot through the heart at 21:25.