Rocksoc minutes: Monday 18 April 2005

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2005-2006

These minutes taken by: Fiona

Minutes of committee meeting, 18/04/05

Meeting opened: 9.00pm

Present: Keith, Simon, Elise, Oli, Richard, Helen, Fiona, Thomas

1. Minutes from last week to be approved.
Action: Approved.

2. Treasurers report
Helen is giving a cheque to Oliver.
Action: Poke Oliver to get mandate.

3. Rocksoc Committee Website page.
Was broken, now fixed.
Action: Simon needs Chiark account

4. Events & Term Cards
We have three bands for the May Brawl, including Conquest of Steel, and as well as these three bands, also the local band Dryad. Location of this will be on the Man on the Moon. The picnic and the punt trip. Rocksoc could sponsor the football during the Beer Festival. If WUS is on during the Beer Festival, we can leave flyers.

Action: We need to sort out the term cards when all the dates and events have been fixed.
Action: Keith needs to contact Trinity about another Trinity Rock Night.

5. WUS
DJ lists are sorted.

6. Gigs
French band may play at the Haymakers on 21st May.
Action: We need to supply them with kit and amps.

7. Irrelevant Interruptions
Oli to Keith: "There's nothing wrong with unicorns."
Keith to Oli: "They're like horses but more gay."
Action: Teach Keith there is really nothing wrong with unicorns.

Meeting closed at 9:11pm.

Fiona (and Emily)