Rocksoc minutes: Monday 25 April 2005

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2005-2006

These minutes taken by: Fiona, Emily

Minutes of committee meeting, 25/04/05

Meeting opened: 8.52pm

Present: Keith (late), Helen (late), Emily (late), Simon, Elise, Oliver,
Baz, Kit, Fiona, Thomas, Siobahn, Emily. The whole committee was present!

1. Minutes from last week to be approved.
Action: Approved.

2. Treasurers report
The WUS box contains money. We broke even.

3. Events & Term Cards
Term cards are URGENT
Action: We will do the term cards. Elise needs to email the spreadsheet.
Action: We need to give dates to Simon.
Action: Decide dates for punt party and picnic.

We've paid 145 pounds for Nottingham and we need to pay another 140 for
deposit. Action: Helen is to write a cheque to Steve Petit (sp?) and find
the address for the cheque of 140 pounds (right amount?). Action: find out
the destination of the bus for the Nottingham trip and additional publicity

4. WUS There is no WUS on 17th May, and no Calling the week before. Action:
WUS flyers and posters need to be printed on mass. Action: The next WUS DJs
are set and Oliver needs to email Simon the DJ list. He also needs to email

5. Gigs For the May Brawl, Conquest of Steel, Dryad and Legion of Doom are
confirmed. Gig co-run with the French society is fine. Gig will be on 21st
May with the French society, at the Haymaker. Action: We need to pay them
100 pounds and 10% of the takings. 250 Euros to get the band from France.
We need a second band to supply the drum kit and amps, and hopefully to
play for free. Elvis impersonator? (Noooooo.)

There is a gig by Esoteric in the Man on the Moon on 19th August.

6. Irrelevant Interruptions
Baz: "Keith is fantastic."
Baz: "Which drunken Yorkshire man? We've got at least two."
Kit: "There's a bitter Yorkshire man and a Yorkshire man with a bitter."
Simon: "Just dig the dead one up and make him play bass."
Oliver: "Bollocks to you all."
Action: Sober up, all of you, and drink coke with two straws.
Meeting closed at 9:08pm.

Fiona (and Emily)