Rocksoc minutes: Tuesday 10 January 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2005-2006

These minutes taken by: Fiona

Meeting Began: 9:23pm
Members Present: Simon, Keith, Oliver, Fiona

1. Accounts

Keith has the 3 missing bank statements - income and expenses

end of April-July. Oliver wants to ignore the accounts providing we can get
statements. Action: Keith & Oliver to meet up with Helen. Action: Oliver
will take the bank statements round to Helen tonight. Action: Keith needs
to tell Helen how much money he deposited in the bank in November. Action:
Oliver to email the committee whenever he deposits money in the bank.

2. Mandate

We have got til March to sort it out. Oliver controversially
wants to fuck the mandate. Baz thinks the old signatories (Keith and Baz)
can still sign. We are considering moving to another bank - Barclays. We
should mandate the new committee at the AGM. Also inform people that when
they stand they need proof of address to be a signatory. Dr Greaves will be
put on the mandate. Action: Simon to obtain form for opening account at
Barclays. Action: Committee to take mandate form to AGM and sort it out

3. CUSU Contact

Action: Baz and Keith to chase CUSU contact.

4. AGM

AGM hopefully to be held at the Rose & Crown on the 6th or 13th of March.
Action: Keith to book Rose & Crown for AGM.
Action: Fiona to decide which date is better.

5. Electronic Term Cards

We need confirmed dates for gigs, WUS and the AGM.
Action: Oliver to confirm dates for WUS, Keith to confirm dates of gigs and

6. Gigs

Held on the 4th Feb - Belisha confirmed and the 11th March.

7. WUS

WUS has done less well, making ~£700 this year. Last gig lost ~£240
gig before ~£200. Oliver has nearly done WUS door sheets. Oliver can
account for everything but £100. Action: Keith to help Oliver with
publicity. Action: Oliver to help put up posters. Action: Simon to fill in
dates on poster and upload it to the Rocksoc website. Action: Simon to
email committee the (simple) WUS poster template in pdf form. Action:
Oliver and Helen to placate Dr Greaves & sort out the accounts.

8. Irrelevant Interruptions.

Keith: They'd better be here or I'll cry.
Oliver: I'm an equal opportunities slut.

Meeting ceased to be at 9:40pm.