Rocksoc minutes: Monday 13 February 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2005-2006

These minutes taken by: Fiona

Meeting Began: 9:02pm

Members Present: Oliver, Keith, Fiona, Simon

1. Minutes

Minutes approved.

2. WUS

Last WUS lost £25. A few people have been asking for WUS sets. DJs are
booked for WUS, but yet to be confirmed.

Action: Oliver to make posters and fliers for WUS.
Action: Keith/Oliver to get WUS advertised in Kerrang, Cam Weekly News,
Action: Oliver to get back to people asking for WUS sets.
Action: Fiona/Simon to find Harry Mackridge's email address and forward it
to Oliver.

3. Gigs

Last gig made £60. Next gig: Have confirmed Zinfandelle, Evile and
Headless Cross (headlining).

Action: Simon to bring Axis demo and letter to give to Keith.
Action: Simon to put together a flier for the gig.

4. AGM

Simon for President and Webshite. Nick J for WUS officer. Nick B for
Treasurer. Gemma for Secretary? Richard W for Token Fogey? - We get to
transfer the domain for free instead of for £30, if he's on the committee.

AGM is pretty much sorted - food and venue booked. Website is advertising
for it. Simon has emailed year and life mailing lists about the AGM.

Action: Keith to write his manifesto for the AGM.
Action: Fiona to ask
Gemma to confirm if she is standing for Secretary.
Action: Simon to email -official mailing list about the AGM.

5. Tea shop Crawl

To be held Saturday 11th March - day of the gig.

6. Irrelevant Interruptions

Oliver: I cheated and had a beer. I can't deal with that amount of tea.
Eight cups and I'm gone.

Meeting ended: 9:18pm