Rocksoc minutes: Monday 9 October 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2006-2007

These minutes taken by: Gemma J

RockSoc Committee Meeting 09/10/06

Meeting started: 21:07

Committee members present: Nick J, Gemma

1) Nick is Acting President as Simon is in Boston for a conference.

2) No word from Keith so no gig report as of yet.

Wake Up Screaming

3) Last WUS (03/10/06) was a HUGE success with 146 paying people and 8 life members! £215 profit plus an extra 50p from somewhere.

4) Next WUS is sorted, just the last DJ slot to go up on the webshite.

5) Hallowe'en Themed WUS proposed for the WUS after next, as it's ON Hallowe'en. People attending the pubmeet seem in favour. Also, 2 DJ slots already sorted:

1st: Harry and Theodora
2nd: Steve Godfrey

6) Should we raise WUS price from £2.50/£3.50 to £3/£4? Everyone (9 people) in favour apart from Nick B as it was thought this would be in line with other club nights.

Treasurer's Bit

7) Nick B still hasn't got the Treasurer's things back from Richard Watts (who is still doing the accounts). However, he has made a back up copy of the Accounts Book.

Meeting closed for beer at 21:20