Rocksoc minutes: Monday 6 November 2006

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2006-2007

These minutes taken by: Gemma J

RockSoc Minutes 06/11/06

Meeting Opened: 20:43

Committee Members present: Nick B, Nick J, Gemma


1. Next Wus sorted. Send DJs to Simon by e-mail so he can put them on the webshite. Nick J to update facebook.

2. The Wus after is special. No reply from Clare yet about using the Cellars.

3. Have £513 in Wus profit - had an 180+ attendance!

4. Publicity - need Calling art from John S to do the next run.

Action: Gemma to e-mail John S about Calling art and check for Simon's e-mail containig the Wus art. E-mail Simon

about how many flyers/posters are needed.


5. Quiz to be in the week of events - last Wednesday of term, possibly at The Castle. Richard has the decks.


6. Committe have been subscribed to list. We agree that it's a GothSoc event, and RockSoc should have the smaller


7. DJs are from 9 - 3a.m. Use 3 DJs that are all comercial, but different flavours of commercial.

9 - 11: Harry Mackridge playing emo/Nu-metal
11 - 1: Leigh playing general commercial
1 - 3: Mark Taylor playing gothly commercial metal

8. Nick J to get everyone in early to check decks.

9. Clare Cellars - Do this next term. Nick J to ask Clare Ents people about us taking it over. Do this as a joint

Goth/Rock Soc venture?


10. All done bar publicity. Keith has done most of it. Nick J to put on facebook.

11. Need flyers off Keith so we can flyer WUS.

12. Band ideas - Killing Miranda. They may be pricey but Wus has been doing really well so we should spend the

extra cash. Need to sort venue as the Man on the Moon is a bit small, but there's no mid-range venue. Soul Tree

suggested with DJs afterwards to justify booking the whole night.


13. Nick B still hasn't had the treasurer's stuff back from Richard, and also doesn't have last month's statement.

This might be due to them having a dodgy address for us.

Action: Nick J to ask HSBC for a mini-statement. Gemma to ask Richard about how accounts are going.

21:46 - Meeting closed for Sainsbury's Run.