Rocksoc minutes: Monday 22 January 2007

Index of all minutes | Committee Meetings 2006-2007

These minutes taken by: Gemma J

RockSoc Minutes 22/01/07

Meeting Opened: 21:26

Committee Members present: Simon, Richard, Nick B, Nick J, Gemma


Extreme Noise Terror may have pulled out of headlining. Possible replacements include Evile and Crypt (maybe use

these as a Litmus support as well?).

2. Publicity, publicity, publicity! We need some as there is not much out there atm for gigs and ALT-EASTER. A

Publicity Officer was suggested by Nick J but was countered by Richard as he burst into hysterical laughter by the

idea. Apparently he is still mentally scarred from when a Publicity Officer was suggested at a previous AGM and the

resulting war ruined two aristocratic families and pitted brother against brother in a fight to the death. A

RockSoc street team was suggested instead, and this was received very well considering.

Action: Nick J to organise a street team from the facebook group and assign areas / colleges to members.


3. Simon has rung the Castle about booking their back room but hasn't heard back from them yet.

4. We need to inform people and send out a call for nominations at least a month in advance. Most, if not all, the

committee is changing over so we need to start press-ganging people into standing.


5. DJs just about sorted for tomorrow. Leigh would like his set title to be changed to "Commercial Rock, Metal &

Alternative" as he wants to play more alternative music.

6. New flyer designs wanted as we should probably have a change of scene. Jen suggested for artwork as she's

incredibly good at drawing and will be inclined to do it if we let her draw dragons. Simon suggested a devil tarot

card with the devil holding a guitar and saying, "The Devil has the best tunes!" as a great design, but not many

people agreed.


7. Simon to tell Richard how to access it.


8. We need to confirm gigs before we can send out termcards.

9. RockSoc policy is not to point and laugh.

A question posed by Nick J for us all to consider:

"What tastes worse? A pint of blended frog, or a pint of Fosters?"

21:58 - Meeting closed due to a succession of dragons.