Minutes: general/2000-agm

Index of all minutes

AGM MINUTES 24/02/00
The meeting was held in the upstairs room of the
Fresher & Firkin and was started at 2024. Kit, Iain and Oli were the
only committee members present and sat behind a large table at one end
of the room with Kit in the middle. Jinx & Baz were unable to attend
for various reasons.
1. President’s Report.
Kit welcomed everyone and gave a brief summary
of the year. We have nearly 250 members and have organised many events
throughout the year (trip to Brumfest-99, X-Fest, FTOTMs & WUSs). We
also now have a members database, our own domain name, and our own CD-decks,
mixer and laminating machine.
2. Treasurer’s Report.
In the absence of our Treasurer Kit then gave
an overview of our current financial situation:
Balance at last AGM 962.63
Income 1753.47
Expenditure 1639.92
Balance at this AGM 1076.18
Societies Syndicate grant 400.00
WUS 991.77
Membership 314.00
Other 47.70
Stationary 88.27
Printing 136.40
Brumfest coach 325.00
CD-decks + mixer 630.00
Bands + gigs 240.00
Laminating machine 27.37
Other 192.88
3. Election of the new committee.
(a) President
- Oli Wade (nominated by Kit Scorah, seconded
by Roz Currie).
Oli said that he had enjoyed being the Secretary
and wanted to continue the running of the Society in much the same way
as present. He was keen to organise more/better events.
FOR: 22 (+10 postal votes + self = 33), RON:
0, ABSTAIN: 3.
(b) Secretary
- Baz Jones (nominated by Oliver-Michael Longden,
seconded by Rudi Airisto).
Baz assured us that he was very organised and
again wanted to continue things as present.
FOR: 20 (+7 postal votes + self  = 28),
(c) Treasurer
- Liz Chapman (nominated by Kit Scorah, seconded
by Oli Wade).
- Roz Marsh (nominated by Iain Ross, seconded
by Katherine Bashforth).
Roz had withdrawn earlier in the day, so only
Liz remained. As she was absent, Iain spoke for her: she was said to be
able to use a calculator and had promised not to embezzle all the money.
FOR: 23 (+7 postal votes + self = 31), RON: 0,
(d) WUS Officer
- Andy Hudson (nominated by Iain Ross, seconded
by Chris Wrigley).
Andy gave a long rambling (and rather crawly)
tale of how good/unique WUS was and that he wanted to keep it that way.
He promised anyone at least one DJ slot and was confident that he would
have the time to organise and promote WUS.
FOR: 21 (+9 postal votes + self = 31), RON: 0,
(e) Token Fogey
- Gina Dungworth (nominated by Oliver-Michael
Longden, seconded by Baz Jones).
Gina said that she would do a good job and threatened
us with Barry if she was not elected. She said that she would be around
all year.
FOR: 23 (+9 postal votes + self = 33), RON: 0,
(f) Webthing
- Jim Waterman/Roz Currie (nominated by Oliver-Michael
Longden, seconded by Oli Wade).
- Marek Isalski (nominated by Rebecca Daker,
seconded by Kit Scorah).
Both said that they would keep the site regularly
updated, even over the holidays and also promised to improve it both in
content and appearance.
JIM/ROZ: 11 (+5 postal votes + selves = 18),
MAREK: 10 (+2 postal votes + self = 13) RON: 2, ABSTAIN: 3.
The new committee are therefore:
President - Oli Wade
Secretary - Baz Jones
Treasurer - Liz Chapman
WUS Officer - Andy Hudson
Token Fogey - Gina Dungworth
Webthing - Jim Waterman/Roz Currie
There was then a short break for drinks between
2100 and 2110.
4. Move to The Alma (starting next term).
Kit went through some of the pros & cons and
there was much discussion on this matter, especially about beer and bar
staff. The question of football being shown and therefore possibly not
much seating space was answered by a telephone call made to The Alma by
Dave Tyler: it would only be shown if it was Tottenham or another match
of interest to the Landlord.
FOR: 15, AGAINST: 8, ABSTAIN 11. [Including postal
5. Rocksoc should reduce the amount of money
that it holds.
A float of approximately £500 was suggested
so that Rocksoc had enough money to organise a gig in advance and also
to cover any unforeseen expenses, while not accumulating money that could
be a temptation to run off with or should be spent for the benefit of members.
It was pointed out that the current committee had only made about £200
and this would have been less if a gig and/or trip had been organised this
term. Bigger/better gigs were suggested as a way of spending money.
FOR: 11, AGAINST: 2, ABSTAIN 20. [Including postal
votes.] Apathy rules.
The meeting was closed at 2149 after some wibble
about burning people. Sadly there was no music to follow, but the new laminating
machine was there and was well used.