Wake Up Screaming
Track: Heartwork

19th Aug. 2008 23:30-00:45 DJ CDO Unusual Alternative and Commercial Metal
17. Carcass - Heartwork
24th June 2008 23:30-00:45 DJ CDO "Recent" Releases and Commercial "Classics"
14. Carcass - Heartwork (Request)
4th Oct. 2005 21:00-22:15 Lizzie John Peel Memorial Set
19. Carcass - Heartwork
11th Feb. 2003 00:45-02:00 Karol Zemek Classic/Mainstream Metal/Thrash
15. Carcass - Heartwork
11th March 2003 22:15-23:30 The Baz Extreme metal
9. Carcass - Heartwork
31st May 2005 21:00-22:15 Lizzie Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic metal
8. Carcass - Heartwork
24th Jan. 2006 23:30-00:45 DJ CDO Commercial Metal
2. Carcass - Heartwork
12th July 2005 23:30-00:45 Jason Hill Mosh Music
2. Carcass - Heartwork
29th Nov. 2005 23:30-00:45 DJ CDO Commercial Metal
1. Carcass - Heartwork